Comparative statistics by cancer registry

Registry: Comparative statistics by cancer site

Table3: Comparison of 1-, 3- and 5-year absolute and relative survival and 5-year age-standardized relative survival (ASRS) by site

(Cuba, 1994-1995 cases followed-up until 1999)

Click on cancer site (ICD-10 code) for comparison
SiteICD-10TotalAbsolute survival %Relative survival %ASRS% at 5-years
1-year3-year5-year1-year3-year5-yearall ages0-74 years
C03-06Oral cavity26068.840.635.870.744.241.643.343.7
C10Other oropharynx4860.040.738.161.443.843.352.655.8
C67Urinary bladder81974.859.053.377.565.563.864.168.8
C81Hodgkin lymphoma18672.956.450.073.657.851.955.557.5
C82-85+C96Non-Hodgkin lymphoma46466.347.543.567.449.947.349.450.3


Other tables available for this registry:
- Table1: Data quality indices - Proportion (%) of histologically verified and death certificate only cases, number and proportion of included and excluded cases by site (Cuba, 1994-1995 cases followed-up until 1999)
- Table2a: Number and proportion of cases with complete/incomplete follow-up and median follow-up (in months) by site (Cuba, 1994-1995 cases followed-up until 1999)
- Table3: Comparison of 1-, 3- and 5-year absolute and relative survival and 5-year age-standardized relative survival (ASRS) by site (Cuba, 1994-1995 cases followed-up until 1999)
- Table4: Site-wise number of cases, 5-year absolute and relative survival by sex and relative survival by age group (Cuba, 1994-1995 cases followed-up until 1999)
- Table5b: Proportion (%) of cases and 5-year absolute survival by extent of disease and site (Cuba, 1994-1995)
- Table6: Comparison of 5-year absolute and relative survival of cases diagnosed between 1988-1989 and 1994-1995 (Cuba)

Registry chapter:

Consult the chapter in Cancer survival in developping countries (Volume II)