Comparative statistics by cancer site (ICD-10)

ICD-10: Comparative statistics by registry

Table 2a: Number and proportion of cases with complete/incomplete follow-up and median follow-up (in months) by site

Click on country-registry for comparison

Flag Country Registry Registration periodNo. of cases included Complete FUIncomplete FU: loss to FU% with Complete FU at 5 yearsMedian FU (in months)
Alive/deadAt end of FUNo.%% lost to FU: years from diagnosis
China - Shangai1992-19951271125899.0131.
India - Barshi1993-20003636100.
India - Chennai1990-199986873284.313615.710.
India - Karunagappally1991-19976969100.
India - Mumbai1992-19942338190681.543218.
Thailand - Chiang Mai1993-199729823277.96622.
Thailand - Khon Kaen1993-19971688953.07947.
Thailand - Lampang1990-200036836699.520.
Thailand - Songkhla1990-199931919059.612940.417.
Turkey - Izmir1995-199734425674.58825.511.
Uganda - Kampala1993-199717811866.36033.723.
Zimbabwe - Harare1993-1997999798.

Other tables available:

- Table 1: Data quality indices - Proportion (%) of histologically verified and death certificate only cases, number and proportion of included and excluded cases by site
- Table 2a: Number and proportion of cases with complete/incomplete follow-up and median follow-up (in months) by site
- Table 2b: Number and proportion of cases by vital status and median follow-up (in months) by site
- Table 3: Comparison of 1-, 3- and 5-year absolute and relative survival and 5-year age-standardized relative survival (ASRS) by site
- Table 4: Site-wise number of cases, 5-year absolute and relative survival by sex and relative survival by age group
- Table 5b: Proportion (%) of cases and 5-year absolute survival by extent of disease and site
- Table 6: Comparison of 5-year absolute and relative survival of cases diagnosed
- Table 7b: Up-to-date 5-year relative survival estimates using cohort and period approaches by site and calendar period
- Table 8: Up-to-date 5-year relative survival estimates using cohort and period approaches by site and calendar period
- Table 9: Up-to-date 10- and 15-year relative survival estimates using cohort and period approaches by site and calendar period