Comparative statistics by cancer site (ICD-10)

ICD-10: Comparative statistics by registry

Table 3: Comparison of 1-, 3- and 5-year absolute and relative survival and 5-year age-standardized relative survival (ASRS) by site

Click on country-registry for comparison

FlagCountry-registryRegistration periodTotalAbsolute survival %Relative survival %ASRS% at 5-years
1-year3-year5-year1-year3-year5-yearall ages0-74 years
China - Hong Kong SAR 1996-200114132.623.323.333.925.025.431.436.8
China - Qidong 1992-200010713.67.66.513.
China - Shangai 1992-199537726.314.611.126.915.512.313.314.6
China - Tianjin 1991-199961142.222.719.443.224.321.821.922.0
India - Chennai 1990-19998526.717.110.927.417.811.69.111.2
India - Mumbai 1992-199434518.710.
Singapore 1993-19977222.212.58.322.913.49.010.712.9
Republic of Korea - Busan 1996-20014425.
Republic of Korea - Seoul 1993-19978028.817.514.829.218.115.313.816.8
Thailand - Chiang Mai 1993-19974318.69.39.318.
Thailand - Lampang 1990-20009021.
Thailand - Songkhla 1990-19994048.629.024.648.829.324.817.017.0


Other tables available:

- Table 1: Data quality indices - Proportion (%) of histologically verified and death certificate only cases, number and proportion of included and excluded cases by site
- Table 2a: Number and proportion of cases with complete/incomplete follow-up and median follow-up (in months) by site
- Table 2b: Number and proportion of cases by vital status and median follow-up (in months) by site
- Table 3: Comparison of 1-, 3- and 5-year absolute and relative survival and 5-year age-standardized relative survival (ASRS) by site
- Table 4: Site-wise number of cases, 5-year absolute and relative survival by sex and relative survival by age group
- Table 5b: Proportion (%) of cases and 5-year absolute survival by extent of disease and site
- Table 6: Comparison of 5-year absolute and relative survival of cases diagnosed
- Table 7b: Up-to-date 5-year relative survival estimates using cohort and period approaches by site and calendar period
- Table 8: Up-to-date 5-year relative survival estimates using cohort and period approaches by site and calendar period
- Table 9: Up-to-date 10- and 15-year relative survival estimates using cohort and period approaches by site and calendar period